Cheers & Kudos: Thank you to Advocates employees, volunteers

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I would love to thank all the employees and volunteers that help out at the Advocates to End Domestic Violence shelter.

I found myself having to go there this past March due to domestic violence with my family members and my husband. I entered the shelter in horrible shape. No place to live, no vehicle, and missing front teeth, I was scared and afraid of what I was about to experience.

The living units are above and beyond what one would expect from a shelter. Lisa Lee makes sure we lived in beautiful, clean, and beautiful units, state of the art furniture, appliances, ect.

Money raised and donations are used to and for the shelter. Lisa, Pam, Shannon, Terri, Tracy, and Becca are the employees I had daily contact with. Thank you for all your help and putting up with me. I never thought I needed Group — Tuesday, Dr. Sherry Skidmore; Wednesday, Josee, and Fridays, Sharon. Group is so helpful, and I encourage anyone having any kind of emotional, verbal, or physical abuse come to Group; you will be surprised how much you will enjoy it.

Lisa had us get out and work or volunteer. It is because I went and volunteered that I now have a beautiful smile. I met someone who directed me who to go to. Because I was able to save money for three months, I have a vehicle and my own apartment and am nowhere close to the person who entered the shelter.

Veronica Thistle

Carson City


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