Officers John Riley and Josh Atchison were honored byt the city for their heroic actions that saved the life of Brent Waldren in April. From left are Mayor Ken Tedford Jr., Atchison, Riley, Waldren, Capt. Ron Wenger and Police Chief Kevin Gehman.
The city council recognized two officers at its Tuesday night meeting for their heroic actions performed on April 27.
Police Chief Kevin Gehman said it was an honor to present the two officers — John Riley and Josh Atchison — with the Life Saving and Distinguished Service Awards.
“On April 27, a 911 call was received,” Gehman said. “A man was having complications following heart surgery. Officers Riley and Atchison responded to the residence of Brent Waldren, who is here tonight, in apparent cardiac arrest. Officer Riley and Atchison remembering their past training, placed Brent on the floor and began performing life-saving techniques.”
Gehman said together the two officers used an automatic external defibrillator, shocked Waldren’s heart and commenced CPR duties by preforming chest compressions and breathing for Waldren until an ambulance arrived. He said Waldren was then transported by paramedics to Banner Churchill Community Hospital for further treatment.
“It is through the care and quick actions of the officers that Brent Waldren’s life was saved that night,” Gehman said. “He’s able to continue with making and sharing special mile stones because of the officers actions. On behalf of Brent, the police department and the city, thank you, we’re all very proud of you and we commend you for your heroic and extraordinary actions that day.”
Waldren told the officers that he was thankful for them saving his life and he was happy to be City Hall honoring the officers. He said he owes everything to the two officers for keeping him breathing.
Mayor Ken Tedford Jr. said the two officers did a fantastic job on that day in April.
Riley has been with the department since April 2003, while Atchison came on board in January 2013.
Other items the council discussed or approved include the following:
Discussed the Community Development Block Grant with no input from the public. The final decision for projects to be submitted will take place on Dec. 16.
Discussed police department report with no changes.