Costco donation beautifies Carson City

Costco General Manager Bob Tote assists Carson City Parks and Recreation employee Steve Crawford with loading 900 1-gallon multi-color mum plants to beautify the downtown and create a splash of color to the medians and other areas that could use a bit of color.  Carson City Parks and Recreation was the recipient of the donation and will be planting the flowers this week for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Costco General Manager Bob Tote assists Carson City Parks and Recreation employee Steve Crawford with loading 900 1-gallon multi-color mum plants to beautify the downtown and create a splash of color to the medians and other areas that could use a bit of color. Carson City Parks and Recreation was the recipient of the donation and will be planting the flowers this week for residents and visitors to enjoy.

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Costco General Manager Bob Tote generously donated 900 1-gallon multi-color mum plants to beautify the downtown and create a splash of color to the medians and other areas that could use a bit of color. Carson City Parks and Recreation was the recipient of this kind donation and will be planting the flowers this week for residents and visitors to enjoy.