Past Pages for Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014

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140 Years Ago

Mrs. Atkinson, an English lady, died at the home of A.D. Treadway. After her husband died she was left without her home, property or relatives. At one time she taught French to young ladies in Carson and was a very intelligent, respected and talented woman.

130 Years Ago

Wayside notes: Bliss’s new residence, situated near Capt. Pray’s home near Glenbrook, is approaching completion and will be a very handsome building.

Rattlesnake: Mr. Merk of Woodford’s was bitten on the head by a rattlesnake. Prompt application of live coal and carbolic acid and inward of application of whiskey counteracted the effect of the poison ... The prompt admittance of his subscription to the Appeal demonstrated that his head is still level.

110 Years Ago

Gov. Sparks’ son: Charlie Sparks has read in the papers that milk was scarce at Tonopah and Goldfield. Charlie is the youngest son of John Sparks and had a fall from a tree which has crippled him for life. His brain is keen, and he is a general favorite with everyone. He rounded up milch [sic] cows and hired two boys to go with him, landed in Tonopah, selling the milk and made enough money to cover living expenses and the cost of feeding the stock ...

70 Years Ago

“Star Spangled Banner:” Calling attention to the 130th anniversary of the writing by Francis Scott Key on Sept. 14, Gov. Carville has requested that the citizens of Nevada pay homage to our flag by displaying it at their homes and businesses. Gov. Carville said, “This song has inspired Americans for 130 years of our national life and is a symbol in music which has helped to keep Old Glory waving ...”

50 Years Ago

TV listings: Huntley-Brinkley news, America, McHale’s Navy, Mr. Novak, Bachelor Father, Moment of Fear, Richard Boone, Telephone Hour ...

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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