Churchill County seniors receive copies of the Constitution

Rupert Wyble of the Fallon Tea Party and Sandy Hillary, chairman of the Churchill county republican committee, stand with Kelly Frost and her afternoon. senior American government class. Wyble had the idea of giving pocket constitutions to Fallon high school students to mark constitutions day. Some 800 copies were given to students throughout the school.

Rupert Wyble of the Fallon Tea Party and Sandy Hillary, chairman of the Churchill county republican committee, stand with Kelly Frost and her afternoon. senior American government class. Wyble had the idea of giving pocket constitutions to Fallon high school students to mark constitutions day. Some 800 copies were given to students throughout the school.

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Rupert Wyble of the Fallon Tea Party and Sandy Hillary, chairman of the Churchill County Republican Committee, stand with Kelly Frost and her afternoon senior American government class. Wyble had the idea of giving pocket constitutions to Fallon high school students to mark Constitution Day. About 800 copies were given to students throughout the school.