Mayor Ken Tedford Jr. commends Anna Wadsworth for organizing a community clothing drive every summer that benefits more than 500 people.
Mayor Ken Tedford Jr. recently presented letters of commendation to three residents for their respective roles as community leaders.
Tedford recognized Lacey Lehman as the event coordinator for the American Cancer Society, Fallon Relay for Life.
“Your Relay for Life efforts, first as a team captain, then Team Development chair, and finally as the event chair starting in 2013, has undoubtedly helped move the fight against cancer closer to finding a cure,” stated the commendation You have touched those in our community afflicted with cancer, survivors, and others who support loved ones through a trying ordeal. And, in the end, the goal is for the American Cancer Society to go out of business, for there to be no more need for future Relays, as that will mean that a cure has been found.”
Longtime resident and businessman Roger Diedrichsen, owner of the Pizza Barn, was commended by Tedford for having a business that supports community causes and helps so many students pursue their college education.
“The students you hire are instilled with the responsibility and commitment necessary to pursue and complete their college education,” Tedford wrote. “The income received while working at the Pizza Barn has helped students finance their education as well.
“Thank you for inspiring so many students in our community to pursue an education. The youth are this nation’s and our community’s future and it is vital that we invest much needed resources in their education and success.”
Tedford thanked Anna Wadsworth for her role in organizing the annual clothes drive every August that supplies more than 500 individuals with clothing each year.
“The countless hours you put in to gathering, storing and displaying donated clothes, recruiting volunteers, coordinating community announcements with the media, and organizing the day of the giveaway, is an inspiration to us all,” Tedford said. “Thank you for helping so many members of our community with a basic need for clothing. This is the embodiment of helping others which is the cornerstone of a caring community.”
Tedford said the community benefits from its residents.
“Our community’s character is as rich as the good people who reside in it, those who come to love it and invest in it,” said Tedford in his commendations. “A great cause requires commitment, dedication, and vision to move beyond words and into action that will have a lasting impact on our community.”