22 high school students qualify for All-State Choir and Band

Justin Olson and Debra Beyer made the All-State Band list after a 17 year dry spell for Churchill County High School. Joseph Sorensen not only made All-State Choir but was also chosen for section leader for the Bass I. From left are Olson, Sorensen and Beyer.

Justin Olson and Debra Beyer made the All-State Band list after a 17 year dry spell for Churchill County High School. Joseph Sorensen not only made All-State Choir but was also chosen for section leader for the Bass I. From left are Olson, Sorensen and Beyer.

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The Churchill County High School choir and band now have 22 students who hold the top honor of being a part of All-State Choir and Band.

Music teacher Tom Fleming said he is very pleased with his students who made the All-State Choir and Band.

“I’m very proud of all of my students, whether they made it or not. They all worked very hard and gave it their best,” Fleming said.

Fleming said it is an honor for students to get selected for All-State Choir and Band. He said the amount of work the students put in is astonishing. He said there are requirements that students must meet before they’re able to audition.

“The students must be members of the Honor Choir or Band — that is a state rule,” Fleming said. “The students start practicing well in advance for the auditions. I teach them skills that they will use in the auditions, and I teach them not to be self concuss and to perform at their best.”

The All-State Choir chooses 240 students across Nevada and 93 band and orchestra students.

Fleming said it is a huge accomplishment when the students make All-State Choir and Band and that the students have an advantage when applying to colleges.

“Being a member of the All-State Choir is a huge ‘look at me’ sign for college recruiters,” Fleming said. “A lot of the times, colleges go after the students before the student even apply and some get offered great scholarship opportunities.”

Fleming said students who were selected for All-State Choir and Band in all five zones will unite in Las Vegas on April 16-17 to rehearse before they perform together in a concert on April 18. He said the concert would be held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The All-State Choir Concert is at 10 a.m. and the All-State Band and Orchestra Concert is at 3:00 p.m.

More information can be found at http://www.nmeamusic.org/home.html.

A few of the students selected for the All-State Choir and Band shared their reactions when they found out they were chosen for the coveted group.

Senior Justin Olson said it is the first time in 17 years that someone from CCHS made it on the All-State Band list. Debra Beyer is the other student who made All-State Band.

“I wasn’t sure I read the list right,” Olson said. “It’s a big deal that Debra and I made it … it’s been a long time since anyone from CCHS made the All-State Band. I remember the first thing out of Debra’s mouth was ‘I need to call my mom.’ I think we were both in shock from the news.”

Tiffany Marshall, a senior, said finding out she made the All-State Choir was a great way to end her senior year.

“I was beyond excited when I found out I made All-State Choir,” Joseph Sorensen said. “This is the fourth year that I’ve made it and each time it becomes more nerve wracking … it’s a big honor to make it all four years of high school,” he said.

Sorensen was also chosen as the All-State Choir Section Leader for the Bass I section. There are eight sections in the All-State Choir: Soprano I and II, Alto I and II, Tenor I and II and Bass I and II.

“There are a lot of good students in Las Vegas,” Sorensen said. “So I was very surprised when I found out that I made All-State and that I was chosen to be a section leader. It’s a huge honor.”


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