HopeFest 2015, the fifth annual fund raising event to benefit cancer patients and their families, will feature Celtic rock music and additional fare associated with the event each year.
It culminates 21 days of hope, according to the Carson Tahoe Foundation and Carson Tahoe Health, and begins at 5 p.m. on Aug. 21 at the Carson Tahoe Cancer Center on the Carson Tahoe medical campus at the north end of Nevada’s state capital community. Young Dubliners, a Celtic rock band, will play and the raffle sponsored by Dick Campagni’s car dealerships will provide participants a chance to win $10,000.
Food and libations again will be offered, according to organizers. Food trucks will include BoDawgs, All Wrapped Up, Mt. Mogrit Gourmet, Taste of Chicago, Little Jimmies Italian Ice and Polka Dot Confections. Beverages will be available from these beer and wine sponsors: Lake Tahoe Brewing; Southern Wine and Spirits, and Wirtz Beverage Nevada.
Those wishing to attend can support the cause by showing up, buying food and drinks, as well as raffle tickets, and by becoming “Circle of Hope” members. More information is available at www.carsontahoe.com/hopefest.
Before the event, persons were encouraged to spread good will and raise awareness, along with funds, for neighbors in need by joining in the organizers’ “21 Days of Hope” movement.
The 21 days movement being pioneered by Circle of Hope members, along with HopeFest itself, will to raise funds to help defray expenses faced by cancer patients and their families during treatment at the cancer center.
“Participating in ‘21 Days of Hope’ lets you easily demonstrate your commitment to helping our local friends who are experiencing a devastating financial struggle as a result of their cancer diagnosis,” said Kitty Kelly, director of foundation development at Carson Tahoe Health. “This is a perfect time to come together to publicly and financially share hope and healing.”