Contracts and plans were finalized for auxiliary gymnasium by the Churchill County School Board Trustees at their Thursday night meeting.
The Churchill County School Board Trustees returned to their regularly scheduled meeting after a month off, learned about the completed projects that took place during the summer and approved a contract to get started on the new gym.
Paul Eskeldson, Parsons construction manager, said the summer was a busy time for projects in the district. He said the four projects performed this summer used bond funds were on schedule and under budget.
Eskeldson said Churchill County High School had the HVAC replaced. He said installation was completed in July, and start-up of the new systems was completed by Aug. 7. Test and Balance may extend into the school year, but any work after Aug. 14 will occur after school hours.
“Based on change requests issued to date, it appears the project will be about $15,000 under budget,” he said.
The math quad and access road project at CCHS came in $23,000 under budget. Eskeldson said a punch list inspection was performed on July 17 with a few issues found but said most of the issues were addressed by July 31. He said traffic barricades were left in place through to give the asphalt time to properly set up.
The Churchill County Middle School Science Wing had minor items that needed to be addressed, all were and teachers were able to get into their classrooms by August 5 and that project came in $5,000 under budget.
Eskeldson said the auxiliary gymnasium had all of the utility tie-ins completed by July 17 as well as new sidewalks and other work in areas needed for student circulation were completed by Aug. 7, and the temporary construction fence has been relocated for work during the school year.
“The building pad and utilities are also installed,” he said. “Several change requests are still being priced by the contractor, but the project is expected to stay within its current contract amount.”
Eskeldson said a proposal would be presented later on during the meeting to award the contract for this project to Q&D Construction of Reno. He said the building permit would be issued as soon as the State Fire Marshal completes their review of the plans.
The contractor anticipates starting construction within a few weeks, after subcontracts are executed and initial submittals are approved.
Once everything is approved Approve A&K Earthmovers will proceed with construction. Eskeldson said the cost of this work is already part of the contract with A&K Earthmovers. The work for the auxiliary gymnasium includes the following: Expanding the student parking lot up to the new gym, installation of storm water infiltrators for the parking lot extension, paving the access roads around the gym, additional sidewalk areas for public circulation and new lighting for the parking lot is part of the GMP contract with Q&D construction.
Other items the trustees approved or discussed include the following:
Approve a change order to the contract with Parsons Environmental & Infrastructure Group in the amount of $93,833 to extend services through completion of the auxiliary gymnasium.
Discussed with no action authority of board president to remove or add items on agendas after agenda setting as new information arises.
Discussed the Curriculum Committee’s role in developing materials and resources for instruction.
Approved the change for upcoming board meetings from Nov. 19 to 18 and May 18 to May 26.
Discussed sending automated calls two to three days before there is an agenda item regarding budgets.
Approved for one year a part-time Career and Technical Education director.