A regular meeting of the Churchill County School District Board of Trustees will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Churchill County Administration Office, 690 S. Maine St.
Items to be discussed and that are up for possible actions include the following:
Early Retirement Incentive program and review and possible approval of applications for early retirement.
For discussion and possible action: The board will discuss all aspects of the 2015-2016 budget and set budget priorities in an effort to provide direction to the Budget Committee and staff so that items to be reduced can be explored and quantified. Staff will provide information to the board for review. Any and every line item in the budget may be discussed and acted on for possible reduction.
For discussion and possible action: Presentation and discussion regarding moving from using an insurance company for Workers’ Compensation to self insuring, including possible action to direct staff to gather and present further information, to prepare and present a plan to implement self-insurance or to begin the first steps of self-insuring.
Update regarding the progress of the auxiliary gym.
Permission to deem the Plummer’s Building, currently located at 50 East Virginia St., as surplus property which is no longer needed for the use of the school district.
For discussion and possible action: Regarding moving the April 9 board meeting as it falls during the week of Spring Break.
Approval of resolution 15-01 - resolution for 2015 Legislative Session.