Nevada State Museum in Carson City hosting author Ann Ronald July 23

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The heyday of above-ground atomic testing is the topic of the Nevada State Museum’s July 23 lecture, in which Ann Ronald will talk about her book, “Friendly Fallout 1953,” and explain how she projected accurate details through an imaginary lens.

Doors open at 6 p.m. with the talk beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Ronald’s book examines the atomic testing complexities, blending and assessing what really happened with what might have happened and what probably did happen. Ronald tells stories of those who participated in, and were affected by, Nevada’s involvement in the atomic testing program. She will discuss the lives of Proving Ground physicists, secretaries, pilots, soldiers, craftsmen and meteorologists. She will also share information about the experiences of the downwinders — Moapa Indians, Mormon housewives, Utah sheep herders and innocent children playing outside in contaminated backyards.

“The book, in effect, is a 21st century take on a snapshot in time,” Ronald said. She will describe what life in southern Nevada and southern Utah was like during the 1950s, interspersing graphic depictions of each 1953 atomic explosion while drawing attention to the many similarities between then and now, she said.

During her 30-year career at UNR, Ronald taught American and British literature and nature writing. She served as chair of the English Department, acting dean of the graduate school, and dean of the College of Arts and Science. She is recognized as a founding contributor to the field of eco-criticism.

For more information, contact Deborah Stevenson at or 775-687-4810, ext. 237. Admission is $8 for adults; free for museum members and ages 17 and younger. The museum is at 600 N. Carson St.