The Bureau of Land Management Carson City District is seeking public input under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for the Edwards Creek and Porter Canyon Permit Renewal.
The BLM proposes to issue a 10-year term grazing permit which would authorize cattle to graze on the Edwards Creek and Porter Canyon Allotments on public lands within Churchill and Lander counties.
Additionally, within the allotments multiple range improvement projects are being proposed. Currently proposed projects may change prior to the implementation due to available resources and current range conditions. Therefore, the project will be phased into smaller project activity areas and be planned and implemented as time and funding allow. BLM proposes to assess effects to cultural resources under NHPA incrementally for each phase of the project.
The BLM and the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office are in consultation concerning the undertaking, area of potential effect (APE), identification of historic properties, assessment of effect, and resolution of adverse effect. The BLM and SHPO have agreed that the APE is likely to contain as-yet unidentified historic properties; that a phased project over a large area has the potential to adversely affect historic properties; and that adverse effects would be resolved through a Programmatic Agreement. Interested public is being invited to participate in the development of the PA.
For information about the NHPA process and the PA, or to provide public comment, contact Archaeologist Kristin Bowen at 775-885-6000. For information about the Environmental Assessment for the Edwards Creek and Porter Canyon permit renewal, contact Rangeland Management Specialist Linda Appel at 775-885-6000.