Tune into Kids, an art and science fair hosted by United Way, is returning from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, June 23, in Silver City’s Shady Park, 385 High St.
The fair is for parents and children ages 3-6. Parents are asked to stay and participate in the activities with their children. They can also bring a picnic lunch to enjoy in the park following the event.
Participants will receive free books through United Way, participate in hands-on science fun, and help paint and decorate a new Little Free Library, a box of books in which anyone can stop by and pick up a book — or two — and bring back another to share.
Space is limited. To make a reservation, email Quest Lakes at quest@theodata.com, or call 775-287-7598.
The fair is part of a free summer-long program that also includes a bike rodeo with Western Safe Routes to Schools, engineering activities with Society of Women Engineers, science activities with Jim Barcellos of 4-H and UNCE, poetry and music lessons with visiting artist Brian Schorn, and more. For more information and dates and times, call Lakes.
Every summer Silver City organizes a free science, technology, engineering, arts and math, or STEAM, program for area children and their parents. The annual program began in 2003 and has been offered each summer since, with varying themes, but always involving key STEAM concepts.