This phtoograph shows the site where the new auxiliary gymnasium will be built at Churchill County High School. Plans call for the construction to occur next to the current gym.
The Churchill County School Board of Trustees awarded the auxiliary gymnasium contract to A&K Earth Movers at their Thursday night meeting.
The contract calls for $810,000 for construction of the Churchill County High School auxiliary gymnasium site package and to authorize A&K to proceed with the base bid and option two to begin work.
“This would be a unit price based contract for the work designed by Lumos & Associates as part of the overall auxiliary gymnasium project,” said district Construction Manager Paul Eskeldson.
The base bid and alternate two work include the following: Excavation and construction of the building pad (reinforced earth pad and sub-grade materials), installation of underground utilities from utility main connection points to within 5 feet of the building, re-routing the electrical power to the athletic field complex, installation of storm water infiltrators for the auxiliary gym, construction of sidewalks to connect the auxiliary gym to the rest of the high school site, construction of base-course service roads for emergency and maintenance vehicle access around the auxiliary gym and installation of fencing and gates to maintain access control to the athletic fields.
“The recommended contract amount for the site package is less than the $896,921 budgeted for base bid work in the most recent project estimate by Q&D Construction,” Eskeldson said.
He said the project was released for public bid on May 12 and advertised in the Lahontan Valley News in accordance with NRS 338.1385. He said four bids were received by the district on June 3, but two were rejected because they were turned in after the cut-off time.
The gym will be about 20,000 square feet with the main gym floor, a secondary space for wrestling practice and other activities, girls and boys locker rooms, and public restrooms that will also be accessible from the outside for football games, Eskeldson said.
The project budget is $6.2 million. Construction costs are expected to be $5.5 million with the rest of the budget used for design, building permits and other related costs.
The gym will be used for P.E. classes during the day and athletic practice after school. It is also designed to support basketball, volleyball and wrestling tournaments by providing Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association-required competition courts.
Other items the trustees approved include the following:
Approved renewal proposal from Nevada Public Insurance Pool (POOL) and approval for payment from fiscal year 2015-2016 funds.
Approved fees to be charged to charter and private students for extra-curricular activities.
Approved modification to Q&D Construction’s Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) contract in the amount of $125,000 to provide construction management services for the Churchill County High School Auxiliary Gymnasium Site Package.
Approved to transfer the school district’s interest in the Cottage Schools to the city of Fallon by approving Quitclaim Deed and Agreement to modify a reversionary clause.