Dennis Ambriz, Violetta Anna Licari, Alana Phillips, Jack Waggon and Stacy Irick, cast and crew of the Big Sky television show, pose for a photo at the Brews, Bikes and Bubbly festival Friday evening. For more information about the show visit
The Battle Born 1864 Brews, Bikes and Bubbly, a fundraiser hosted by Nevada Day, Inc. for the annual Nevada Day parade and celebration, is happening today in downtown Carson City. The following is a schedule of events; for more information, go to
All day — Karson Kruzers’ Run What Cha Brung car show at Fuji Park
8 a.m. — Flag ceremony at the main stage
8 a.m.-9 p.m. — Vendors open
Noon — Extreme Civilian Moped Challenge
1-3 p.m. — Fast Draw competition at Downtown Main Street
2 p.m. — Sign ups for mustache contest at the Nevada Day information booth
5 p.m. — Beer and Bubbly tasting begins
5-6 p.m. — Carson Victory Rollers Bout
6-9 p.m. — Meet Nevada Day Grand Marshall, actor Jack Waggon
6 p.m. — Karson Kruzers Cruise Night to Downtown, starts at Carson Mall
6:30 p.m. — Extreme Motor Officer Challenge awards at main stage
8-10 p.m. — Live music by Mojo Green
9 p.m. — Nevada 1864 People’s Choice Awards
Midnight — Carson Street will be back open to the public.