Washoe Lake State Park is offering three guided hikes this month, including a full moon hike through sand dunes and along the beach, a dune trek and beach stroll, and another to the overlook on the Deadman’s Creek Trail.
An easy one-mile round-trip full moon hike will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday at 4855 Eastlake Blvd. Attendees are asked to meet at the overflow parking lot, the first parking lot on the right after entering the park’s main entrance and turning left. Dogs are not allowed.
A 2.5 mile round-trip moderate hike through sand dunes on the east side of Washoe Lake will be from 10 a.m. to noon March 14. The event includes a talk about the history of the park and Washoe Valley. Good waling shoes are recommended. Meet at the equestrian area in the main area of the park. After passing the fee booth, turn right, pass the campground, and park near the group pavilion.
A moderate one-mile round-trip hike to the overlook on the Deadman’s Creek Trail will be from 1 to 2:30 p.m. March 22. The trail offers a short, steep climb to the top, where views of Washoe Lake and Washoe Valley are seen.
Registration is required for the full moon hike. The hikes are free, but the cost to enter the park is $7 per vehicle, with a $2 discount offered to Nevada residents.
For more information or to make a reservation for the full moon hike, call 775-687-4319, or email washoelake@hdiss.net.