Phone problems persist across the country

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Whether you’re on the calling or receiving end, problems with telephone service can be frustrating.

From problems with failure to complete calls to poor call quality, many of these issues are a byproduct of how long-distance phone carriers choose to route their calls.

Unfortunately, long-distance carriers often choose a call path based on cost rather than quality and calls following the least-costly route can fail to reach their destination or complete with poor sound quality.

These issues disproportionately affect calls destined for rural America. Known as “rural call completion,” the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is taking a multi-pronged approach to addressing the issue.

Additionally, NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association is advocating for rules and enforcement to end this practice, as well as uniting local carriers in an attempt to end rural call failures.

In the meantime, consumers can help themselves. The FCC recommends reporting these problems to one’s long distance or wireless telephone service provider when they occur.

To learn more about these problems and how to report them, visit

As policies change, consumers can look forward to more reliable telephone service.