The Churchill County Commissioners recognized volunteers that participated in the Volunteer Income Tax Program. From left are commissioner Bus Scharmann, Holly Padilla, Lois James, Jennie Cos and commissioners Pete Olsen and Carl Erquiaga.
The Churchill County Commissioners recognized individuals who participated in the Volunteer Income Tax Program.
Shannon Ernst, Churchill County Social Services director, said her department provided the Volunteer Income Tax Program again this year to assist with residents that are low-income and/or seniors file 2014 taxes.
“The programs ultimate goal is to assist individuals and families to obtain the earned income tax credit,” she said.
Ernst added Churchill County has felt the program fits in the departments goals by not only providing volunteer opportunities, “The War on Poverty” by assisting low-income to access funds to stabilize, but accessed additional funding to provide grocery shopping cards to assist in the “War Against Hunger.”
The program completed a total of 47 returns for 62 people total assisted. The participants received $21,148 in returns.
“The program has been successful in assisting our low-income and seniors for three years,” Ernst said. “This continues to be a valuable partnership with the United Way of Northern Nevada and the Churchill County District Attorney’s Office.”
This year the program had two volunteers: Jennie Cox and Lois James. Ernst said the two volunteers had a very successful year, and the efforts were managed and overseen by Holly Meader, Social Services Project coordinator.
Other items the commissioners discussed and/or approved include the following:
Approved the renew the annual contract with Cashman Equipment for the scheduled maintenance of 11 emergency generators located in facilities maintained by Churchill County.
Approved clerk to send a letter in response agreeing to the nominated proposal.
Approved purchase of a conservation easement and 214 transferable development rights from the approved sending site, parcel 006-851-38, having a total of 177.30 acres with 124.97 water righted acres.
Approved the stated transfers as approved by the Regional Transportation Commission.
Approved the membership assessment of $7,500 payable to the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority for fiscal year 2016 and direct the comptroller to pay the invoice in July 2016.
Approved John and Vella Torvik’s application for a sending site, and assign a total of 94 Transferable Development Rights to the property upon recordation of a conservation easement deed. The item places no obligation on Churchill County or Naval Air Station Fallon to move forward, only to place this property on the list for consideration.
Approved Wells Fargo Securitites, LLC Certificate of Authority General Renewal for Churchill County authorizing Kelly Helton and Alan Kalt as authorized individuals on the investment account with Wells Fargo Bank and authorize the chairman to sign the form.
Approved Billy Coleman and John Moser’s request and authorize the purchase of one year of state retirement service credit. For Moser, if approval is granted, a waiver on number of years of service and number of years of retirement service credit is required.
Approved Churchill County’s application to acquire properties identified as APN: 008-473-09 and 008-473-35 and direct the county treasurer to give notice of intent to sell to the last known owner of the property in the manner provided by law; and direct the clerk to remove said parcels from the list of properties to be sold at public auction.