Churchill County School District trustees learned at their Wednesday meeting that construction for the high school’s auxiliary gym is on target.
Paul Eskeldson has been keeping the school up-to-date on several projects. He said weather has not affected the schedule, and the gym should be ready by mid-March.
“The recent storms have made no major impact on construction,” he said.
As for two other projects, he said Dr. Sandra Sheldon, superintendent of schools, met with the architect who is designing a new music building that will be constructed next to the theater. Eskeldson said a schedule will be presented to the trustees at their next meeting.
Meanwhile, Eskeldson met with Steve Cornmesser, whose business borders a proposed entrance to the high-school student parking lot off South Taylor Street.
Transportation director Steve Russell, who oversees CCSD’s safety program, gave the board copies of a surface transportation security awareness message because of the Paris massacre last week. He wanted trustees to be aware of the latest information coming from the Department of Homeland Security and to re-emphasize the “If you see something say something” campaign.
“We want to keep our community and students safe,” he said.
Curriculum director Kimi Melendy gave a presentation on Science FOSS kits, which is being recommended for the science curriculum. According to its website, “FOSS is a research-based science program for grades K–8 developed at Lawrence Hall of Science with support from the National Science Foundation and published by Delta Education.”
A DVD presentation showed two segments of learning, the first with students making bricks and the second showing older students involved with a study on weather and water.
Trustees approved the second reading of a new policy on budget automated messages and discussed first readings for two other polices including English as a Second Language.
Director of Business Services Phyillys Dowd said the district did not receive a bid on the Plummer Building on 50 E. Virginia St., but will go out for a bid on grazing on CCSD property off Rio Vista.
According to memo, grazing needs to occur this year because the field yielded only one cut and old growth needs to be grazed off in order to keep plants healthy.
Felicia O’Carroll of Eide Bailly LLP and Dowd reviewed the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, and trustees approved the report.