Salvation Army distributed 300 turkeys and other Thanksgiving food Monday with the help of students mainly from Silver State Charter School.
The Salvation Army distributed 300 turkeys and other Thanksgiving food Monday with the help of students mainly from Silver State Charter School.
Lt. Mark Cyr of the Salvation Army said turkeys were from donations gathered at Mike’s Pharmacy and through a recent Battle of the Bands and they represented just a fourth of those the Salvation Army was making sure reached people who need them. He said another 900 were distributed through food banks.
Helping at the Salvation Army parking lot at 661 Colorado St. were 10 students, nine of them in the ninth through 12th grades at Silver State, and one fourth-grader from Seelinger Elementary. The Silver State students were under the stewardship of Mrs. Joanna Perry and Mrs. Krystal Hoefling. Perry said the students were from the World History and Social Issues class or the Student Council.
She said it was a community service project in which the students participated much of the afternoon.