Washoe Lake State Park, 4855 Eastlake Blvd., is offering two guided hikes and a full moon hike in November.
A moderate, one-mile round-trip hike on the Deadman’s Creek Trail will be at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 8. Meet at the Maza parking lot. To get there, enter the park, turn left past the fee booth, and turn right at the first parking lot on the right. Dogs are permitted on this hike, but must be kept on a leash.
A 2.5-mile dune trek on the beach is planned at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 21. Meet at the equestrian pavilion; turn right past the fee booth, pass the campground, and follow the short gravel road to the pavilion. Most of the trail traverses loose sand, so sturdy hiking boots are recommended. Hikers are also encouraged to bring water, binoculars, a camera and appropriate clothing for the weather. Leashed dogs are allowed.
A full moon hike will be at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 25. The moderate, one-mile round-trip hike lasts about an hour. Dogs are not permitted. Meet at the Maze parking lot.
All events are free, but there is a $7 per vehicle park entrance fee. Nevada residents receive a $2 discount. Cash and checks are accepted.
For more information, call Kim Zuch at 775-687-4319, or email washoelake@hdiss.net.