Carson City AAUW group sets Saturday brunch

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The American Association of University Women’s Capital Branch will kick off the group’s 2015-16 program with a brunch Saturday.

Celebrating more than 70 years of advocating equity for women and girls in Carson City and the area, the branch will gather for the brunch from 10 a.m. until noon Saturday at a location on Franktown Road in southern Washoe County. Those interested in the exact location and additional information may contact Caroline Punches by telephoning (775) 246-1850.

Those in attendance will receive an overview of AAUW, highlights of the local branch organization’s history and information about upcoming programs.

“The AAUW Capital Branch,” said Jane Johnson, president, “is a motivated group of educated women who advocate for women and girls. Our meetings focus on issues that affect women and children of today.”

The local branch is one of nearly 1,000 across the nation. Membership in AAUW is open to anyone holding an associate or equivalent, a baccalaureate or a higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university. People with honorary degrees from qualified institutions also are eligible.