The Nevada Appeal’s Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels feature recognizes achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out other acts that missed the mark.
SILVER DOLLAR: To Western Nevada College welding students for their work in repairing donation bins for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Northern Nevada.
SILVER DOLLAR: To Big 5 Sporting Goods for providing the bulk of a donation that provided shoes for 400 students in the McKinney-Vento Students in Transition Program.
SILVER DOLLAR: To the Nevada men’s basketball team for winning the College Basketball Invitational title.
SILVER DOLLAR: To Scott Vickrey for being named Carson High’s Teacher of the Year.
SILVER DOLLAR: To social worker Bekah Bock and Carson City Sheriff’s deputies Nick Pinochi, Israel Loyola and Jimmy Surratt for their work in the MOST program to provide intervention for those dealing with some kind of mental illness in the community.
SILVER DOLLAR: To the organizers, speakers and all those who participated in the TEDx event held Friday at the Brewery Arts Center.
SILVER DOLLAR: To Carson High’s Lindy Lehman for taking first in breakaway roping at the recent Carson-Douglas High Rodeo which featured high school competitors from across the state.