Festival premier books now available

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This year’s Fallon Cantaloupe Festival and Country Fair premier books are now available at the Churchill County Agriculture Extension Office, Churchill County Library, Flower Tree Nursery, J&K Llamas and Workman Farms.

The Fallon Cantaloupe Festival & Country Fair will be Labor Day Weekend (Sept. 2-5) at the Churchill County Fairgrounds.

This community affair since 1985 is family-friendly and celebrates the area’s agricultural history and current bounty, also featuring local talent and businesses.

The book details exhibit hall competitions including information about contest categories, deadlines, awards, general rules, age groups, the judging system and how to enter, as well as when judging will take place at the fair.

Category titles this year are amateur photography, quilts, crafts and hobbies, food preservation, foods and nutrition, fruits and vegetables, roses and flowers and knitting, crocheting, needle work, and sewing as well as home arts and furnishing.

Other festival attractions include an opening night concert by Love and Theft, an American country music band from Nashville, Tenn. Tickets are now available including a limited number of VIP packages that include stage-front seating, two drink tokens and access to the VIP Cantaloupe Tent and VIP restrooms. The tent will have free appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages.

More bands will play during the holiday weekend. There will also be shows and activities including a BMX stunt team, funny cowgirl tricks, Le Cirque de Vagabond, Evolution — a Journey tribute band — hula dancing, the Great Basin Pistoleers Jackpot, cantaloupe chunking, a melon head contest, and a cantaloupe derby.

Regular admission tickets are $5, and children ages 10 and under are free. Parking is also free. Pre-purchase weekend passes are now available for $10.

The event will run Friday from 5 p.m. to midnight, Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to midnight, and Monday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The junior rodeo will run from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. There will be a Kiwanis Club Pancake Breakfast on Labor Day at 6 a.m. and a Lions Club parade starting later that morning at 10 a.m.

Visit www.FallonCantaloupeFesitval.com to learn more or to access sponsor and vendor applications as well as obtain the Lions Club Junior Rodeo applications.