Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016

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Vote with intelligence and responsibility

Politics being what it is, I’ve tried to temper my impressions of statements by candidates and supporters with a grain of salt. But comments by potential voters create a growing sense of apprehension. Folks approaching the voting kiosks in November should do so thoughtfully and with a clear understanding of the candidates and issues before them. I fear that is not the case.

This year we have two very unpopular candidates to choose from, for differing reasons. Troubling regardless of which party you espouse. But the most chilling thing is the number of vitriolic, uninformed and just plain ridiculous comments made by potential voters. There are many, but here are two. One by a young woman during the Republican convention. Asked why she planned to vote for Donald Trump she fervently responded that she would “vote with my heart and not my brain.” What? I chalked it up to the uninformed exuberance of youth. Don’t schools teach civics lessons, including the somber responsibility of voting and the necessity of being well informed?

The most recent one was at a rally for Republican Joe Heck attended by Senator Dean Heller. In the face of Heller’s continued refusal to endorse Donald Trump, the man told Heller, “We need you there ... I don’t care how loony he (Trump) is, we need him in that seat.” Really? It boggles the mind. You have the right to support whomever you choose, but also the responsibility to do so with a sense of intelligence and gravity.

Linda Hoxsie

Carson City


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