Fallon Daily Bread’s outreach

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Who says dreams don’t come true? Ten years ago, three women had a vision to assist our county’s needy residents who, for one reason or another, needed assistance.

A plan, an implementation and then execution of a hot-meal program under the guidance of Epworth United Methodist Church was born 10 years ago in which residents could receive a meal once a week. Then the program expanded to included two meals a week, Mondays and Thursdays.

In such a short time, the Fallon Daily Bread involved into a model program not only for this community but also for others who sought an outreach program to assist others.

With a corps of volunteers who prepare and serve the meals and then clean up afterward, Daily Bread has survived the good times and the bad times, especially during the height of the Great Recession when an average of more than 10,000 meals were served from 2009-2012. With a better economy, the number of meals dropped to an average of 8,000 meals per year.

From service groups, businesses and individuals, hundreds of volunteers have helped Fallon Daily Bread with their time. Many have also given financial support to the program to ensure it remains in our community for another 10 years or more.

Over the years, the community of people — those who are a reason Daily Bread thrives — has become family in which people help others. They came as strangers, but many are friends.

Although Daily Bread does not charge for meals, many individuals from the “community” still reach into their pockets and give as much as they can to help. Others have also volunteered to help clean up after the meals from cleaning tables to mopping the floors.

The last fundraiser conducted for Fallon Daily Bread occurred 10 years ago. Although the program receives cash donations and food, the incoming donations have dwindled.

“We haven’t asked for donations or done fundraising,” said Kathy Fraker, who is the volunteer director on the Fallon Daily Bread board. “We could use monetary donations.”

Fraker said all donations go solely for food.

The Fallon Daily Bread still needs our help.

If you would like to volunteer, call Kathy Fraker at 775-867-3095;

To donate food, call Ron or Barbara Evans at 775-423-2650;

Or to provide financial assistance, call June Young at 775-217-2259.

As Young said, Fallon Daily Bread has encountered one miracle after another in its 10 years, and the program is still with us.

LVN Editorials appear on Wednesdays.


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