The Capital City Community Bands performs with Carson City School District last year. The band will present its annual fundraising concert Sunday at First Presbyterian Church in Carson City.
Capital City Community Band is hosting a concert to raise funds so it can pay required liability insurance and other expenses.
Help the Band Play On, an hour of free music, is planned at 3 p.m. Sunday at First Presbyterian Church at Division and King streets.
“We remain dedicated to providing free musical entertainment but now have financial obligations we did not have in the past. This concert helps us to meet those new obligations while still providing free concerts to our community,” said Richard Doede, the founder and director of the band.
The concert will feature some of the band’s favorites from past concerts, including music from Harry James, Hoagy Carmichael and the Beatles to marches from Sousa, King, and Fillmore. It will end with the band’s traditional salute to the men and women of the Armed Forces.
Admission is free, but donations will be accepted.
The Capital City Community Band, a nonprofit, has been performing free concerts in the community since 1978.
For more information about the concert or the band, call Doede at 775-883-2219.