Washoe Lake State Park hosting hikes, presentations and other events in June

Washoe Lake State Park is the site of astronomy programs, hikes and other activities this month.

Washoe Lake State Park is the site of astronomy programs, hikes and other activities this month.

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Washoe Lake State Park is offering a variety of events during the month of June, including an astronomy program with telescopes, a slide presentation about Washoe Lake, a campfire program and a full moon hike.

These events are included with the park’s entrance fee of $7/vehicle. Nevada residents receive a $2 discount. Cash or checks are accepted; pay in the envelopes at the entrance to the park.

A star party is planned at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 11. The Northern Nevada Astronomy Group will have telescopes set up at the Maze parking lot for viewing stars, planets, and other wonders of the night sky! Bring a jacket, lawn chair, and a red light if possible (red lights do not negatively affect night vision). Meet at the Maze parking lot. Enter the park, turn left past the fee booth, and it is the first parking lot on the right.

June 11 is “Discover Nevada State Parks” Day, Free Fishing Day, and National Get Outdoors Day. Park entrance fees are waived for the day.

A 30-to-45-minute slide presentation about Washoe Lake is planned at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. The program will focus on Washoe Lake State Park and its natural and cultural resources. It will start with a brief history of Washoe Valley, and highlight park facilities, activities and interpretive programs. Meet in the Equestrian Pavilion. Enter the park, turn right, pass the campground, and follow a short gravel road to the pavilion’s parking area.

Guest speaker Tricia Dutcher from the Oxbow Nature Study Area in Reno present a program about Nevada’s wildlife species at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Participants are asked to bring a lawn chair and flashlight if possible. Meet at campsite No. 14 in Campground Loop A.

A full moon hike will round out June events at 8:30 p.m. Monday, June 20. Reservations are required. They can be made by calling 775-687-4319 or emailing washoelake@hdiss.net. This will be a one-mile, out-and-back walk on the beach of Little Washoe Lake.

The park is at 4855 Eastlake Blvd. Take the Eastlake Boulevard Exit No. 44 from I-580.

For more information, call 775-687-4319, or email washoelake@hdiss.net.