Alex Millar, a member of the Nevada Air Guard displays the Betsy Ross flag during the Five Flag presentation at the annual Flag Day ceremony on Tuesday.
The Nevada National Guard celebrated Flag Day with Tuesday morning on the Capitol Grounds.
A small ceremony was held at the Nevada Veterans Memorial for nearly 100 civilians and military personnel. The National Guard had the ceremony to honor the history of the American Flag as well as the 241st birthday of the United States Army.
“Our flag is recognized as a sign to every corner on Earth and our Army, that marches under it can never be defeated and that is something we should be proud of as Americans,” said Army Brig. Gen. Zachary Doser.
Doser and Dr. Tyrus Cobb, an international policy adviser and Vietnam veteran, were the two speakers at the event. They spoke of what the Army means to them and to the country.
“We can rest soundly as the sun never sets on America, just as it never sets on our flag because your Army is always awake somewhere in the world,” Doser said.
Cobb took the time to remember all service men and women past and present for their commitment to their country, and said it wasn’t just about the military personnel who died in combat but for all of those who spent their lives in the uniform.
“I want to recognized all soldiers that gave their lives to the greater good,” Cobb said. “I hope we will continue to honor these men and women in the military.”
“Remember today is both a somber day and a day to rejoice,” Cobb said. “Today is a day to tell stories of soldiers of wars and decades past so that the soldiers are never forgotten.”
One special piece about the Flag Day ceremony was the rare 36-star American Flag, hand painted in Elko County after Nevada received statehood in 1864. The flag normally kept in a vault in the Nevada State Archives building was brought out to showcase to patrons for the holiday.
“I wanted to be here to see the original flag, it is just really interesting,” said Christy Medina. “My whole family was in the military, I just love the military, and so I am just interested in all of this stuff.”
In addition to the special 36-star flag, the Nevada Air Guard NCO Academy Graduates Association presented the Protocol Operation Patriotism flag ceremony, showcasing the five American flags that have been created through history.
They had the Queen Ann flag, the first flag that flew over the 13 colonies during British rule; the Grand Union flag when the colonies revolted in 1775; the Betsy Ross flag that was created to represent unity and independence after the American Revolution; the Star Spangled Banner that had 15 stars and stripes; and Old Glory, the current flag design featuring 13 stripes and 50 stars.
“It is with tremendous honor that I share the Army’s birthday and Flag Day with this audience,” said Guy Clifton, emcee for the event. “239 years ago, we adopted this flag as the symbol of the United States, and a symbol of the greatest nation on Earth.”