150 years ago
General Winters’ staff: Governor Blasdel has commissioned the following named gentlemen to positions upon the staff of Brigadier General John B. Winters, commanding the Second Brigade Nevada Militia: J.E. Sabine, Assistant Adjutant General; M. W. Starling, Quartermaster; W.H. Wood, Judge Advocate; J.C. Corey, Ordinance Officer; John Black, Commissary; R. E. Webber, Surgeon; W.A. Van Bokkelen, Engineer Officer; and with the rank of Major.
130 years ago
The match between Carson and the Minnesota team was shot yesterday. Carson did some very poor shooting, scoring 1,123. Up to the present writing the Minnesota score was not received.
100 years ago
This afternoon officers of the North End Improvement Club, Mesdames Coffin, Deady and Goode, took Trustees Gilson and Fulstone to inspect places complained of recently at the north end of Carson. Vacant lots were inspected, but cleanup was already underway by Sheriff Stern, who has notified absentee owners that either the property is cleaned, or the authorities will do so and owners will be taxed for the amount.
70 years ago
Members of the Busy Bee 4-H club met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Foster on W. King Street. During the course of the informative and instructive meeting, yeast spread was made by those there.
50 years ago
A group of inquiring men, unable to agree whether experiences with fantasy drugs such as LSD are dangerous or harmless, urged legislative bodies not to enact laws in California that would hamper research.
30 years ago
The Board of Supervisors today adopted a resolution establishing the Charter Review Committee in Carson City.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.