Past Pages for Sunday, March 13, 2016

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150 Years Ago

Band of scamps. Burglars entered the New York Restaurant through the front door using false keys and broke open the money drawer taking fifteen dollars and a gold ring belonging to the owner, Charley Cobb. Our town is infested by organized thieves that we hope will soon be brought to justice.

130 Years Ago

All sorts. An assassination attempt was made on Jules Verne because he was such a liar. Since then, John Dennis of Tuscarora has had his measure taken for a bulletproof coat.

110 Years Ago

Death Valley. The Clark and Borax railroads are rapidly approaching Death Valley. Settlers have lived there near the borax works for 20 years. It is a lovely place to spend the winters. With palace cars running to Death Valley, chappies with their dress suit cases and golf sticks will find the Panamint Range an ideal retreat in winter and summer. Sunday schools will picnic under the peaceful Panamint pines and conventions of short-haired women and long haired men will meet to discuss ways and mean to prevent the country from going to the bow-wows ... thanks to the railroads.

70 Years Ago

Special sessions. The first special session of the state legislature met on Jan. 14, 1908, pursuant to the proclamation of Gov. Sparks for dealing with the labor situation in Nye and Esmeralda counties. Second special session was convened by Tasker L. Oddie in an attempt to enact suitable legislation to relieve fiscal affairs of the state. In 1920 when the special session was convened, Gov. Boyle read, “You have been called for the one purpose of acting on the resolution of the Congress of the United States proposing the extension of the voting franchise to women citizens of the nation.”

50 Years Ago

Photo caption. “Rich” Graves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Graves, and veteran of eight years of operation at Rich’s Chicken Coop at King’s Beach, which he started while in high school, brought the Graves family name back into the Carson City business picture when he opened the Hunger Hut, south of Carson City. Dick Graves Sr. originally started the Carson City Nugget operation.

20 Years Ago

New Genoa post office. U.S. Postal Service officials are expected to announce where Genoa’s new post office will be. Sites considered are Centennial Drive at Jacks Valley Road and Genoa Lane at Pioneer Trail Drive, west of the town boundary.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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