The Nevada Appeal is accepting poems about spring, no more than 100 words in length, through Wednesday, April 6. Email poems to, or fax them to 775-887-2420, or mail them to the Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City NV 89701. Poems will be printed on Sunday, April 10.
Carson has seen enough development
Do you want your streets fixed? Forget it. The Silver Oak development is well into its second decade and there are dozens of lots left. The Shulz Ranch development has started its second decade without a single house built. The very large Lompa Ranch development has been passed by the planning board without any input from the public. And now our wonderful planning board has passed a massive development project that will totally consume every square inch of open space on the west side.
Will this potential 750-unit project, cutely named “Vintage at Kings Canyon,” be the straw that breaks our water and sewage system? Make our sheriff and fire department totally ineffective? Bust the already-full school system at its seams?
Unemployment in Carson is still high. Where will all these folks work? Where will all their children go to school? I know they will buy their groceries, clothes, furniture, cars, electronics, appliances and building supplies in the ”new downtown.” What? Those things aren’t sold downtown? Bummer.
I think the folks at our planning board and City Hall have been studying the marijuana issue a little bit too much. The concept of “build it and they will come” has worked for Las Vegas; for Carson City, it is just plain stupid.
Want your streets fixed? We have bigger problems.
Michael Tipton
Carson City