Highland resident celebrates 100th birthday

A timeline highlights the events from 1916, Nellie's birth year, to 2016.

A timeline highlights the events from 1916, Nellie's birth year, to 2016.

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Nellie Evelyn (Crail) Nelson has witnessed many events during her lifetime.

In fact, Nellie has also been a part of history as the Highland Village resident recently celebrated her 100th birthday with a party and a proclamation read by Mayor Ken Tedford.

Born in November 1916 in Folsom, Calif., she spent most of her life in the Sacramento area before moving to Fallon in 2009 to be closer to one of her two daughters, Sandy Goodfellow. Nellie, who had five brothers and sisters, also has a large family with two daughters, one grandchild, three great grandchildren and five great, great grandchildren.

And that doesn’t include all her nieces and nephews.

Many members of her family and friends drove or flew to Fallon from California, Oregon and Massachusetts for an afternoon party that was attended by the staff and some of her friends from Highland Village.

Her family noted that Nellie had a quite active life, playing golf into her 80s. She was also an avid tennis player and bowler, and she also liked the outdoors, especially with fishing and hunting.

Nellie also volunteered her time with such causes as the International Society of Rebekah Assemblies, achieving the role of Noble Grand; Parent Teacher Association, becoming president; and serving as a leader of the local 4-H group.

Life has changed in 100 years, when Nellie was born in 1916. These events highlight her birth year as listed by theoddysseyonline.com.

The second-ever Rose Bowl was on January 1, 1916.

The Professional Golfer Association (PGA) met for the first time in New York City on Jan. 17 and was created four months later.

At the beginning of 1916, WWI was in full swing. Germany had used Zeppelins to bomb Britain before but was now using them against France.

One of the biggest battles of WWI, The Battle of Verdun, began on February 21, 1916. This battle was fought in France between the German and French armies.

Film icon Charlie Chaplin signed a film contract with Mutual on Feb. 26.

The United States invaded Cuba for the third time on March 8.

On March 9, Mexican General Francisco “Pancho” Villa invaded the U.S. in Columbus, New Mexico, where 18 were killed.

The first US National Women’s Swimming Championships were held.

Weeghman Park, (now known as Wrigley Field), opened in Chicago on April 20.

On April 24, the Easter Rising of Irish republicans against British occupation began in Dublin and lasted five days.

On May 4, at the request of the US, Germany curtailed its submarine warfare.

On June 7, Theodore Roosevelt declined nomination of the Progressive Party and gave his support to Republican Charles Evans Hughes.

The Democratic Convention convened in St Louis on June 14. Woodrow Wilson campaigned on the slogan that “He kept out of the War.”

A Boeing Aircraft flew for the first time on June 29.

On July 1, Coca-Cola brought its current formula to the market.

The first “super” market, PigglyWiggly, opened on Sept. 5 in Memphis, Tenn.

On Sept. 7, Congress passed the Workmen’s Compensation Act.

During the Battle of Somme, on Sep. 15 at the Battle of Flers-Courcelette, the British debuted the use of tanks in war.

John D. Rockefeller became the world’s first billionaire on Sept. 29.

Woodrow Wilson was re-elected as president on Nov. 7. On this same day, Jeannette Rankin was elected to Congress as its first woman Representative.


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