Washoe Lake State Park's first program of December will be a presentation about its history on Sunday, Dec. 11.
Discover the past and present of Washoe Lake State Park, explore the sand dunes by the light of the moon and celebrate winter solstice with a leisurely stargazing hike through the park.
Learn more about Washoe Lake State Park during a 45-minute indoor presentation at 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11.
This program will be held inside the park office on Eastlake Blvd. Take Exit 44 from I-580 and drive north on Eastlake Boulevard approximately four miles. The park entrance is at the left and the office is 1/2 mile north on the right.
December’s full moon is a super moon; the moon is at its closest point to the earth in its orbit so it is larger and brighter than normal. A full moon hike will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13 at the sand dunes along the Dune Trek Trail. Turn right after the main fee booth, pass the campground, and follow the short gravel road to the equestrian group pavilion.
Reservations are required and can be made by calling 775-687-4319. Participants are asked to bring a flashlight, and dress for the weather and wear good hiking shoes.
Bundle up for a night hike on the longest night of the year, Wednesday, Dec. 21. The winter solstice hike will follow the South Loop Equestrian Trail. It is relatively flat and is approximately three miles long, with great open views of the night sky and surrounding area. Park staff will discuss winter constellations, weather permitting, and wildlife in the park. The event starts at 6 p.m. Meet at the Equestrian Pavilion. At the park’s main entrance, turn right, pass the campground, and follow a short gravel road to the pavilion’s parking area.
Reservations are required for this hike and can be made by calling 775-687-4319.
Red lights are recommended as they do not negatively affect night vision. Participants should dress in layers for the weather and wear good hiking boots.
The events are included with the park’s entrance fee of $7 per vehicle. Nevada residents receive a $2 discount. The park accepts cash or check for the entrance fee; please pay in the envelopes at the entrance to the park. Call 775-687-4319 for more information or email washoelake@hdiss.net.