Incline shuts out Fallon boys

Fallon soccer player Nick Kulick (5) and an Incline player fight for ball control in Saturday's match.

Fallon soccer player Nick Kulick (5) and an Incline player fight for ball control in Saturday's match.

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After being shut out for three-straight games, the Greenwave boys soccer team got on the board against Incline.

The Highlanders went up 8-0 at halftime but Fallon scored three times in the second half, losing 13-3, Saturday afternoon at the Edward Arciniega Athletic Complex. Fallon dropped to 0-8 in the Northern Division 3A and travels to Truckee on Friday before hosting Lowry on Saturday.

“They’ve been struggling the whole season,” Fallon coach Miguel Orduna said. “Every single one of the kids knows the game well. They know the objective well. We’re still working on becoming a team and working together.”

Communication has been the No. 1 concern for Orduna’s team and the second half saw some of the issues subside.

“The No. 1 thing affecting the team is communicating. They need to keep talking, communication and helping each other,” Orduna said.

All but one goal was unassisted for Fallon in the second half.

Erik Orozco assisted Chase Sanchez to put Fallon on the board and Cesar Molina scored on a penalty kick. Bryan Ugalde stole the ball and went downfield to score.

The three goals were the most Fallon’s scored in a game all year. Until Saturday’s game, Fallon scored two total for the year.

Orduna knows the team is capable of putting the ball through the net as Saturday’s contest showed.

“Overall, the kids are working d and getting better,” he said. “Every time, I say before a game that day by day, we will get better.”


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