Board of Supervisor Ward 4 candidate John Barrette

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Good government is never a lucky accident. Neither is managing to strengthen a local economy.

Luck is a product of preparedness meeting opportunity. Vision, vigilance, insight, commitment and good decisions will help Nevada’s capital city capitalize as opportunity knocks.

That’s what convinced me to run for Supervisor from Ward 4. I seek a seat on Carson City’s five-member Board of Supervisors in a race against Jim Shirk.

I do so in part because I believe passionately penny wise, pound foolish and dollar delusional decisions sell us short.

Fiscal prudence doesn’t result from voting against key projects when they’re needed. If you put off what shouldn’t be put off until much later, it will cost significantly more by then.

Our sewage plant is a prime example. It’s finally getting fixed, but no thanks to my opponent. He would have kept putting it off. His attitude? It’s his way or the highway.

He also would have put off or scrapped other major projects. His insistence on his own way means he’s without accomplishments.

As for me, I plan to move forward by growing tax receipts via a robust economy, without raising general fund tax rates.

I’ll squeeze value from every dime government spends, prune programs where possible and fit government into growing tax receipts from a vibrant local economy.

Near-term, I’ll push for real fiscal responsibility and more.

My vision includes well-managed growth; tackling deferred maintenance, particularly street repairs; sound public health and safety; plus helping commerce and culture thrive.

Longer term, I see a vibrant commercial sector, smooth roads and a community that by 2025 grows to about 60,000.

I’ll spruce up commercial corridors and help dot downtown with loft or apartment units for young adults or active retirees. They’ll help enliven entertainment spots and boutique shops.

I’ll push for improved workforce development, more light industry, and bring in or grow tech firms offering the well-paid jobs of tomorrow.

Growth of business or housing must be sensible yet steady.

A stagnant Carson City would encourage Las Vegas legislators to pick off more state workers and make additional power grabs, causing economic headwinds here.

But I’m convinced this city will move ahead. I’m optimistic the future is our oyster with a pearl inside.

Pew Research tells us 10,000 baby boomers a day are retiring nationally, which means 3.6 million a year. The boomer job force exodus will continue past 2025.

Younger people will get many of those jobs, household formation will lift off and a healing economy will pick up steam.

We’re uniquely positioned here to build the local economy as the nation and Northern Nevada go from surviving to thriving. Carson City has both government and private sector opportunities.

You may wonder about my background to become a supervisor. It’s solid, and I’ll bring insight, experience and faith to the job.

I’ve spent my career monitoring or involved in government and business. My wife, Jean, and I have both served in government. She still does, with the state of Nevada.

We’re Episcopalians, attend St. Peter’s Church and are members of community organizations, including the Brewery Arts Center where Jean serves on the board.

I’m a member of Rotary, and with Jean, of the Carson City Arts Initiative, the Historical Society and Muscle Powered.

In Nevada, I’ve been a reporter/columnist who for years researched, reported on and commented about government or commerce. I’ve also worked as a financial advisor in Carson City.

Previously I was a wire service bureau manager, a business editor and was in state government. I also was a government tax policy analyst advocating a balanced tax system.

Carson City’s Nevada Appeal is where I provided oversight most recently, pushing for good government and a solid economy. I covered the Board of Supervisors and local commerce.

I left the Appeal early this year, but current events remain my calling.

As a registered non-partisan and a good government junkie, I believe extensive research and voters’ wishes should guide board decisions. I’m beholden to no political party insiders or bosses.

My goals are enhanced quality of life, reasonable government costs and corralling both by seeking smart solutions.

I found a similar approach and a sense of community here when I first visited Carson City in 1970. That’s when it was consolidating with Ormsby County.

The merger saved tax money over time. How? In part via single law enforcement, health and fire departments rather than such city and county agencies in duplicate.

Leaders in 1970 had faith in their wisdom, vision, people and future. They found a prudent way to move forward.

We should emulate them and build on that tradition, as well as on the sweat equity and investments made by every Carson City generation since the town began.

Working together, we’ll make Carson City thrive.

John Barrette can be reached at and or (775) 301-0145.