View from the Past

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100 Years Ago

Infantile Paralysis Has Made its appearance in Reno —City Council of Fallon Orders Cleanup.

Infantile paralysis, which has swept sections of the East with fearful harvest of death, has finally made its appearance in Nevada, two cases being discovered in Reno. The City Council of Fallon has taken time by the forelock, as it were invoking an ordinance providing health conditions, and has ordered all residents to clear their premises of rubbish, garbage and manure, and Marshal Smitten is enforcing the law.

Churchill County Eagle—September 30, 1916.

Working for Suffrage. Mrs. Edna S. Latimer of Baltimore addressed a large audience of men and women at the Rex Theatre Sunday afternoon, the object being to organize a local branch of the National Women’s party’ the platform which says: “The National Women’s Party convinced that enfranchisement of women is the paramount issue, pledges itself to use its united vote to secure the passage of the Susan B. Anthony amendment, irrespective of the interests of any national political party; and pledges its unceasing opposition to all who oppose this amendment.

Churchill County Eagle —September 30, 1916.

75 Years Ago

Better Have the Stork Bring a Boy Next Time. Gray, Reid & Co. have a stock of trousers which they desire to give away, free. Yes, you read it right. They are absolutely free. All they ask that they be supplied with the name of any boys who are born in the community and they will send the new arrival a brand new pair of trousers to be worn on the youngsters first birthday.

Churchill County Eagle — September 16, 1916.

50 Years Ago

Sights and Sounds of Fallon. • About 300 people turned out for the annual pot luck. They got acquainted with the teachers and met school board candidates. President Ellie Kent is hoping that the interest shown by so many parents will continue through the year. • We often hear the complaints about the dearth of intellectual and cultural activities in Fallon, yet for eight years a small group have been meeting faithfully twice a month for a Greats Book discussion. Led by Mrs. Alys Cave, the group has had many hours of lively and stimulating discussion of the works of famous writers and philosophers. After a summer recess, the group is meeting again, and looking for new members. • The annual search for leaders for Girl Scout Groups is underway from the Girl Scout Neighborhood Council. There are always more eager litter girls wanting to be girl scouts than there are parents or interested adults ready and willing to help make a scouting group possible for girls in the community.

From the Past….Stories from the Churchill County Museum Archives, researched and compiled by Cindy Loper, Churchill County Museum assistant.