Carson Online is a flexible school choice

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Carson Online, the Carson City School District’s online education program, was piloted at Pioneer High School in 2009.

It has become a successful online credit option for students in CCSD that has helped change culture, provide technological support, and has helped raise the graduation rate in our district.

During the last school year, online options assisted more than 970 students.

Carson Online has grown each year and now serves all the secondary schools in CCSD at (PHS, CHS, EVMS, and CMS) in grades 6-12.

CCSD is now adding elementary options this year. In the previous 2016-2017 school year, high school students in the full time online program had a passing rate of 92 percent. This highly successful online program helped more students graduate despite several barriers such as; credit deficiency, transiency, a high free and reduced lunch ratio, moving between schools in high school, work schedules, and/or medical conditions preventing students from attending traditional high schools.

Advanced and honors diplomas also were available through these options at the high school level. Whether a student is trying to; catch up on credits, earn extra credits, strive for an advanced/honors diploma, or if they’ve started their careers early, Carson Online helps students succeed at their own pace. These options have allowed students to graduate on time, early, and while they’ve started college and careers early. Online courses were utilized by a wide range of students. In addition to students who were bound to four year colleges, it was also utilized by a Junior Olympian, State level triathletes, theatrical performers, a professional BMX racer, and students who were just trying to graduate on time while attending PHS. The program allows for such flexibility and students are able to accomplish amazing things. We are proud of student success and overall passing rates while using flexible scheduling and online options in Carson Online. Online teachers are available to students Monday through Friday from 5 a.m.-8 p.m., providing an extended layer of support to students with non-traditional schedules. Our formula of flexible scheduling with on/off campus support, campus computer labs, teacher support, and a nurturing and top notch educational staff have created a positive non-traditional learning environment. Carson Online has ultimately helped raise the overall graduation rate in the Carson City School District.

A special thanks goes to Jill Council, Carson Online Coordinator, all our lab assistants in CCSD, and to the Pearson Company for offering such high quality classes through Advanced Academics.

For more information about Carson Online, you can visit or call 775-283-1320.


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