Oasis Academy student Abbey Pike works away last year alongside other students; Pike will be a sophomore this year.
“It’s a new year with some new looks and some new toys, and we have new staff who we’re excited about,” said Rochelle Tisdale, principal of the Oasis Academy College Prep (OACP) high school.
Oasis Academy grades kindergarten through 10 return Sept. 5 with the OACP high school Jump Start semester for grades 11 and 12 starting at the Western Nevada College Fallon campus on Monday.
The K-10 back-to-school night for parents and guardians only is Wednesday from 5:30-7 p.m. with the general session kicking off on the playground. The kindergarten “Practice Day” for all incoming kinders is Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon, and students will need to bring a lunch.
Students can be dropped off and picked up according to school procedures.
“We’ve got some fresh paint, a few new expansions, a few new items on the playground,” Tisdale said.
The school offers the following learning opportunities and extracurricular activities:
Google Expeditions will allow for enhanced learning.
All students in grades K-12 will be able to take Lego robotics.
A Career and Technical Education (CTE) program with the college is being offered in welding.
Middle-school students may participate in student council, honor choir, National Junior Honor Society, “We the People” constitutional debate team, art club, sign language, archery, lacrosse, volleyball and basketball.
High-school students may participate in student council, honor choir, National Honor Society, FFA, “We the People,” archery, lacrosse, volleyball, basketball, softball, golf and cross country.
Tisdale said the CTE welding program offers students the chance to earn a national certificate in the trade, so as soon as students successfully complete it, they can delve into industry — whether it be on the geothermal side or in an industrial establishment part of the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center off USA Parkway.
“So we’re kind of excited about that along with our regular Jump Start program,” she said.
Tisdale explained the “We the People” team in the high school has always done well and beat out the big Reno schools, so they are looking forward to now doing it at the school’s junior high level.
“It’s just such an amazing experience for the kids,” she said.
The academy is actively seeking substitute teachers and those interested may call OACP to apply.
The school’s open registration is closed for most grades (per Nevada Revised Statutes), but there are a few openings in the high school.
“We were certainly in the top of the state in our ACT scores,” said CEO Melissa Mackedon.
The school reported OACP’s 2017 ACT scale score composite for all students who took the test was 22 (the score range is 1-36). The score was a 3-point increase from last year and places the school in the top 10 for ACT scores in the state.
Visit www.OasisAcademyFallon.us, or on Facebook or call, 775-423-KIDS (5437) with any questions.