150 Years Ago
Terrible Indian Fight (continued from Sunday): For some time back, bands of the Pitt River Tribe have been in the habit of making occasional raids on the stock of the farmers in Long Valley. Winnemucca, the head chief of the Paiutes, determined to avenge the insult. One of his scouts trailed a party of Pitt River braves to a point near Evan’s ranch. (Continued on Wednesday).
130 Years Ago
Although the Rink is increasing in popularity, and is attended by the prettiest girls in the city, the price of admission remains the same. Don’t fail to go tonight, for a big crowd is promised and a good time assured.
100 Years Ago
Considerable mystery seems to attach itself to the whereabouts of Daniel C. Shaffer, who left his home at the Slaughter house ranch, on the Lakeview road, Sunday morning with the purpose of coming to Carson and has not been heard from since.
60 Years Ago
Frank E. Garnett, who rose from a farm boy to a position of great importance in the newspaper world, died at his home in Rochester today. He was 81. Garnett was president of one of the nation’s largest newspaper organizations at the time of his death.
30 Years Ago
A California-based lubricant manufacturer will buy the closed Gardnerville Xebec plant and move into it by June, an official said today. Aervoe-Pacific plans to provide about 80 jobs by late 1988.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.