150 Years Ago
The School Festival: Mr. Pixley of the Board of School Directors, desires us to state that the proposed festival will be held on next Thursday evening at the Ormsby County District Court Room. The price of the tickets will be three dollars. It won’t do to let this thing fizzle out at the little end of the horn. We must all give it a lift.
130 Years Ago
The Austin Reveille has five columns of Sheriff Sales. In a few weeks the editor will go to San Francisco to purchase an outfit of Winter diamonds.
100 Years Ago
Tonight Railroad Commissioners Bartine and Shaughnessy start for Washington on business of supreme importance to our state. Their primary purpose is to secure the enactment of an absolute long-and-short-haul clause which will at once and forever put an end to all discrimination against this state for transcontinental freight charges.
60 Years Ago
Carson City High School Senators got their first taste of game action last night, and dropped before the University of Nevada freshmen 50-43 in a scrimmage game.
30 Years Ago
While Las Vegas, Laughlin, and other Nevada communities are reaping fortunes beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, Carson City wallows in the basement of gaming revenue growth.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.