Past Pages for Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2017

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150 years ago

The annexation of Utah: The sub joined communication relative to the question. Of the annexation of the Territory of Utah to the State of Nevada is, although at variance with some of our preconceived notions, well worthy of our respectful consideration, and as presenting the subject in a new light, we ask for it by our readers a careful perusal.

130 years ago

The Catholic fair: The fair at the Opera House is drawing crowds and is a great hit. The music is delightful, and the place is packed with the beauty and agility of the city.

100 years ago

Mason Valley ranchers uneasy: H.A. Williams of Yerington arrived in Carson last evening and reports coyotes becoming quite plentiful in that section and very bold. Yesterday forenoon Mr. Williams killed one on his ranch, about five miles out of Yerington, which was in the last stages of rabies — froth hanging from its mouth, but too far gone and weak to attack anything. He reports three men were bitten by coyotes yesterday at Mason.

70 years ago

Although one of the state’s well known short line railways was recently granted permission to abandon its Lyon County run, a portion of it will live on in a remaining far from ailing and colorful line. The Virginia and Truckee railway today announced purchase of locomotive No. 5 from the Nevada Copper Belt Railway.

50 years ago

Nazaarenes feature film, “Escape to Egypt,” is the second in a series to be shown during this year. The “Living Christ” series is shown at the Carson City Church of the Nazarene, 610 E. Proctor St., in color on the second Sunday of each month.

30 years ago

A natural gas line break at a construction site located on Highway 395 and Genoa Lane left about 12,000 Southwest Gas Company users without heat or hot water as crews worked feverishly to repair the ruptured 8-inch gas main.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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