Past Pages for Friday, Jan. 13, 2017 | Serving Carson City for 160 years

Past Pages for Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

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150 Years Ago

Where do they come from: A small valley between the districts of Hot Creek and Reveille, 120 miles southeast of Austin, lies a group of 15-20 springs teaming with fish. They vary in size, but are of great depth ... no plummet cast into the waters have ever found bottom. The water is icy cold and beautifully limpid. Fish abound, a species of chub, ranging from six to eight inches in length. A party of men in the vicinity of the springs caught 300 of these in a short time. The question is, where do these chubs come from? It is not difficult to determine whence they go after they have been transferred to the larder of a party of eager prospectors. (Reese River Reveille)

130 Years Ago

New prison warden: Frank McCullough was elected by the Legislature as the new prison warden. He is a man with a big heart, a man of firmness and tenderness, integrity and fairness and a mingling of those traits which make a good, square man. The Appeal had called attention to the lack of proper discipline, the picayunish skimping policy, the shaving and paring down of everything done by the previous Warden Bell. The change in management of the prison will reward a square party man and benefit the state.

110 Years Ago

Must name the dope: All things which go into the human stomach must also provide for the consumer a printed list of the ingredients. The sausage man must print the words “dog meat” if it is there, but does not have to tell where the dog came from. The bill will not affect Carson sausage makers as they are famed all over Nevada for purity of makeup.

70 Years Ago

DDT: Seven common houseflies were executed. They were placed in a little paint-coated box. The paint was impregnated with DDT and after 30 minute the flies died. The new paint is designed primarily for creamery and dairy barn use.

50 Years Ago

Students use drugs: University of Nevada students say they’ll rely on pep pills to get them through fall semester final examinations. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said the pills are “dangerous drugs” because they are “potentially habit forming.” Chancellor N. Edd Miller declined comment other than to say: “We don’t condone the use of drugs by students.”

20 Years Ago

Tips roll in: A reenactment of two unsolved bombings in Carson City was on national television and brought in 20 responses. The targeting of a U.S. Forest Service Ranger was the focus of the episode of “Unsolved Mysteries.”

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.