Fallon’s high-school seniors reflect on Trump’s inauguration

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Donald J. Trump becomes the nation’s 45th president today as he and Vice President-elect Mike Pence takes their oaths of office during inauguration festivities in the nation’s capital.

Hundreds of thousand of well-wishers, along with thousands of protesters, will descend upon Washington D.C. for the day-long activities. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the oath first to Pence and then to Trump at noon (9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time), and afterward the newly-sworn-in president delivers inaugural address follows.

Thirty-seven presidents have delivered 54 addresses ranging in length from George Washington’s 135-word address to begin his second term to William Henry Harrison speech of 8,494 words. Former living presidents including outgoing President Barack Obama will be in attendance today except for George H.W. Bush, who has been hospitalized for a breathing problem in Houston.

Every four years on Jan. 20, the inauguration ceremony ushers in a new term for the president of the United States and after the swearing in ceremony and president’s speech, the event shifts to a parade, and then gala evening inaugural balls.

Students from Kelly Frost’s government class at Churchill County High School are excited about the inauguration, especially two students who voted for the first time in a presidential election last November. Trump won the state’s Republican caucus in March but lost to Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton in the Nevada general election. Trump carried 15 of Nevada’s 17 counties.

High-school senior Alex Mendez said he will watch the inauguration.

“Of course I’ll be watching,” Mendez said. “I got to be part of the election.”

Although he’s aware of the many groups protesting and the 60-plus Democratic members of the House of Representatives who are refusing to attend the inauguration, Mendez said “we are all Americans” when it comes to supporting the office of the president.

“It’s a patriotic American value to follow,” Mendez said.

Jessica Goudswaard, anther senior, voted in the general election and will now be watching the ceremony on TV.

“I have a stake in it,” she said of the election. “Trump will be our new president, and we need to come together.”

Like Mendez, she said the boycotting Democrats are wrong.

“I feel like the leaders of our country need to be supportive of who will be the next leader. They should be a good example for all Americans.”

Goudswaard said this is a time for Americans to come together.

Dwen Davis said she wants to listen to the new president’s speech and what he has to offer for the country. The Fallon senior said she saw parts of President Obama’s second inaugural address four years ago. Although different factions figure into their support for Trump, Davis said this is the time to come together.

“We’re adults here,” she said. “We need to support him.”

Dr. Stuart Richardson, the re-elected chairman of the Churchill County Central Republican Committee, said both Clark and Nye counties are having inauguration parties next week. Nothing is planned for Churchill County. Richardson also believes this a time for the country to unite and see what Trump is offering to the country. He is also dismayed with the congressional members’ boycott.

“I am disappointed that more than 60 Democratic congressmen and women would boycott the inauguration,” he said.

Newspaper columnist Jeanette Strong advised high-school Young Democrats before she retired from education. She has also been involved in the local Democrat committee.

“I don’t think President Trump will be good for America, but I really hope I’m wrong,” she said, emphasizing her remarks are hers and not from the local committee. “I hope he keeps us safe and continues the economic recovery we are experiencing now. We will need to keep a close eye on what he does.”


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