Faith & Insight: Walking worthy

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The apostle Paul implores us to live in a manner worthy of the calling with which we have been called. This imploring is in the strongest sense, it’s a beseeching, an appeal, a begging, if you would. It has within its meaning urgency. That we would conduct ourselves and would lead our lives occupied with the thought, and walk out this particular call in the strength, wisdom, and the direction of the one who called: Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Paul speaks of this worthiness in such a way it would be seen in our way of life. In our walk, our conduct would match the actual value of the worthiness. This calling is to live out our salvation; this awesome gift of God that’s so precious and priceless we would honor the giver himself. The earmarks of this walk would be humility, gentleness, and patience, strength to bear with one another, to contend for one another, to be tolerant with one another and to do so with agape love. To do so with benevolence, goodwill and the esteem toward one another. Loved by God should produce a godly love for others.

To walk in humility is to walk in modesty, lowliness of mind, a behavior that aligns itself with the inner revelation of Christ, keeping ourselves from being self-exalting, self-inflated. It’s a life that’s living in complete dependence on the Lord, with no reliance on self or the flesh. This virtue of humility is an inside-out virtue produced by comparing ourselves to the Lord, rather than to others.

We are then urged to live in gentleness. The mildness and consideration of others. That’s followed by patience, forbearance and long-suffering. This patience is to be lived out in with the understanding even if we’re wrong, we don’t retaliate to that wrong. When we live in that fashion we’re more like Christ than any other time. To live with forgiveness accompanied with love, showing humility, is truly Christlike.

We are also urged to be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Paul qualifies this in the most powerful verse. There’s one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:1-6)

May the Lord bless and keep each of you, may the Lord’s face shine upon thee.

Pat Propster is pastor of Calvary Chapel Carson City.


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