Past Pages for Tuesday, June 27, 2017

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150 Years Ago

While hunting rabbits day before yesterday, near the Carson, below Six Mile Canyon, Captain DeShields, Superintendent of the Gould & Curry mill, came upon and shot a catamount, which measured four feet from tip to tip. This is the first animal of the kind ever heard of in this region. He may now set himself up as the Nimrod of Washoe, or the great suppressor of “wild cat.”

130 Years Ago

Gould & Curry Disaster. A Death Blast in the Lower Levels. Eleven Men Imprisoned in the Burning Drifts. Terrible Scenes About the Mouth of the Shaft. At 9 o’clock on Friday evening a dispatch was received in this city that the Gould and Curry Mine was on fire and that a number of miners had been burned to death. Air compressors were at once rushed to their fullest capacity, and all that the blowers could possibly carry was sent down to the men who were supposed to be imprisoned at the 400, 800 and 1,500 levels.

100 Years Ago

The Flag! The flag should not be hoisted before sunrise nor be allowed up after sunset. In the Navy the colors are hoisted, in ordinary circumstances at 8 a.m. When the national colors are passing on a parade, the spectator should, if walking, halt, and if sitting, arise, and stand at attention and uncover.

70 Years Ago

Although it is not noticeable to the casual observer, Nevadans are staying away from the bars and liquor stores of the state in ever increasing numbers and as a result the state’s revenue from taxes on alcoholic beverages are continuing to nosedive.

50 Years Ago

Ten crews of archeologists will hunt form the Winnemucca Battle Mountain area to Lincoln County this summer in the biggest search for prehistoric inhabitants in state history. It will be headed by Dr. Robert L. Stephenson of the Smithsonian Institution.

30 Years Ago

Plans to extend the V&T Railroad downtown and restoration of the V&T shops topped Wednesday night’s Redevelopment Authority meeting.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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