Past Pages for Sunday, March 5, 2017

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150 Years Ago

Ladies Episcopal Mite Society, Fancy Dress Ball: The grand Fancy Dress Ball was a triumphant fete. The ball was an unparalleled rouser. The ladies were gorgeous. There was a Turkish Princess, a Page, a Starry Night and Glittering Morning, Highland Lassies, Seraphs, the Silver Star of Nevada, a Match Girl, a Flower Girl, Shepherdess, a Walking Pharaoh, a Daughter (with deck of cards distributed over her dress.) These were characters assumed by the ladies. The men’s characters included Hamlet, Prince of Dunkirk, the Duke (of Bunghole), an Irish King with a coal scuttle for a helmet, a Zouave Captain and a Sergeant of the same corps, a very extravagant Yankee with too much to say, top official Milingtary (sic) men in brass and tinsel, a bloody old Shellback, and a Bearded woman.

Many were there without any sort of character — the music first rate, supper very nice. It was undoubtedly the handsomest and most perfect affair of the sort ever gotten up.

130 Years Ago

Birth: Deputy Sheriff Chrisler was presented with a 10-pound baby by Mrs. Chrisler. It was a boy and its father thinks he will become a great singer.

110 Years Ago

Governor Sparks: Because of his popular vote and his stand on the railroad bill, it will make him invincible before the people, and for the people’s candidate for United States Senate.

70 Years Ago

Senate Bills passed: AB47 — Provides 10-minute rest periods for all women employees, one in the first four hours and one in the last four hours of the day.

50 Years Ago

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leathers of Las Vegas, former Carson City residents, are the parents of their first child, a daughter named Roxanne, born March 6 in Las Vegas. She weighs six pounds, eight ounces.

20 Years Ago

Miss Douglas County: Five young women will complete for the Miss Douglas County title. This year’s contestants include Kai Gentle, Melodie Toth, Jenee’ Michelle Conway, Amanda Harker and Vavadee Stephenson.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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