Past Pages for Friday, March 24, 2017

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150 Years Ago

Bearded woman: At a “bal masque” given by the guests of the Union Square Hotel in New York, the great sensation was an elegant being, magnificent in dress, graceful in carriage, whom all the gentlemen fell in love with, and who proved, when the masks were taken off, to be one of their own sex.

130 Years Ago

Curious phosphorescence: A curious phosphorescent light may be seen just under the eaves on the western sides of some of the rough sheds around town. It is some phosphorescent form of lime that has lodged on the rough boards during the winds. An hour after dark, the effect is very striking. The phosphorescent are required to be fed with light as the common match-box-faces and watch crystals. (Walker Lake Bulletin)

110 Years Ago

Jack London: The novelist is in Goldfield to see for himself if the reports of the wonderful camp have been exaggerated. He will visit Rhyolite before going back to Oakland.

70 Years Ago

Virginia City: Gordon O. Cole, former resident and now executive with Paramount Pictures Corporation of Hollywood, spoke before members of the Lions club. He said he “couldn’t understand why the citizens of Virginia City and other nearby communities haven’t seen to it that the Comstock site hasn’t been preserved as a historic mining camp.”

50 Years Ago

Choir member: Larry D. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams, will be a member of the Westminster College Concert of Salt Lake City, Utah. The 40-voice group will leave for 13 appearances at churches and schools in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Williams is a sophomore at Westminster.

20 Years Ago

New area code: In December 1998 the state will get a second area code. The boundaries and code haven’t been decided. Service providers are meeting on how to implement it. The process includes five public meetings.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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