View from the Past

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100 Years ago

An Appeal to the Children. All real American’s appreciate the fact that a call to defend our country is binding on all alike. There are thousands of splendid men enlisted to defend our honor. There are many ways to serve our country. Those who leave us must be fed and it is the duty of all to help bear the burden. There are hundreds of big lads too young to go to the front but not too young to aid at home. Boys from 10 to 16 can thin and hoe beets as well and even better than older people. A lad who will get into the beet field can earn from $2 to $3 per day. If these youths will earn and keep a few thousand dollars, they become defenders of home and country. No lad or girl is too good to work and assume their individual share of the responsibility of maintaining home and country.

Churchill County Eagle — May 19, 1917

Word from Honolulu. — Editor Eagle — I was somewhat surprised to read in your paper of recruiting officers of the army and navy being in Fallon after recruits and did not secure a single soul. I cannot understand how this came about with so many young fellows at the military age there, and still no one thinks enough about their country to put in three or four years under the colors. — Dell Wrightman.

Note — Referring to the above. Nevada has furnished 344 men for the colors since April 1 and 22 of that number have been from Churchill County.

Churchill County Eagle — May 26, 1917

75 Years ago

I am an American. (May 17, 1942) I am an American. I do not care for war. But I care less abject slavery. I do not like to fight. But I would sooner fight than be ruled by a tyrant whose goal is the subjugation of all mankind. I do not like to kill. But I will not rest until the crazed ambitions of a madmen are forever dead. I do not want to die. But I prefer death to the loss of our heritage of freedom. I am an American.

The Fallon Eagle — May 30, 1942

Fallon Stores to Close Saturday. Excepting for the service establishments Fallon retail stores will remain closed all day Saturday on account of Memorial Day.

The Fallon Eagle. — May 30, 1942

50 years ago

City Councilmen Assume New Duties. City Officials who were elected in the recent municipal election held their first council meeting Tuesday night.

Fallon Standard Eagle — May 19, 1967

Stillwater Notes. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fitz spent Mother’s Day in Carson City with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mile Pintar. • There have been five ambulance calls answered by the volunteer ambulance crew; one city fire answered and three county fires answered during the past week. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oser of Newport Beach, Calif. Were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Hammie Kent last week. • Mrs. Cleo Atwater spent Mother’s Day with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weishaupt.

Fallon Standard Eagle — May 19, 1967.

A view from the past… Stories from the Churchill County Museum and Archives, researched and compiled by Cindy Loper, Churchill County Museum assistant


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