Past Pages for Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017

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150 Years Ago

For sale: A good dwelling house is advertised for sale situated near Carson street and has seven hard finished rooms, and many other conveniences for a family — good water, stable, woodshed and chicken house.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The man who stole Ed. Reynolds Sunday clothes, has been seen with them in Reno. He was leading a prayer meeting.

Doc Benton who had a wrestling match with a horse a few weeks ago, is out again and will be ready for another bout soon.

110 Years Ago

Robbery: The Round Mountain Hydraulic Company sluice box was robbed by two miners who got away with $5,000-$10,000 in gold. One of the men, J. Kennedy, was caught and the second thief will be apprehended shortly.

100 Years Ago

A patriotic picture: “The Slacker” with Emily Stevens and a cast of all stars will be shown at the Grand. It is a national story. No American can see it without feeling a deeper love for his country. Price of admission — children 20 cents and adults 35 cents.

70 Years Ago

Birth: A seven-pound boy was born to Rep. and Mrs. Charles Russell. Mrs. Russell is the former Miss Marjorie Guild. Arrival of the youngster brings the Russell household to seven members.

20 Years Ago

Plane wreckage: Four bodies were found in a plane crash. The fatalities were that of a Cessna 206 that left the Minden-Tahoe Airport. Ron and Lisa Lukas of Douglas County and Steve Schantz and Eric Schleier, of Carson City were on board the plane.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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